Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Have questions about our services?

Feel free to contact us by phone or email at 020 167 9515 /

Q2. What is meant by chain free?

A "chain free" property is a property that is being sold without the seller needing to buy another property simultaneously. This term is commonly used in real estate to indicate that there are no dependencies or "chain" of linked property transactions that need to be completed for the sale to proceed.

This is advantageous for buyers because it generally simplifies and speeds up the buying process, reducing the risk of delays or complications that can occur when multiple linked transactions (a chain) are involved.

Q3. What happens if I fail to get a mortgage offer?

Even with an agreement in principle before you offer on a property, this does not guarantee that you will get a mortgage offer. This could be for personal reasons or could even be that the property you plan on purchasing is not suitable for your mortgage lender.

If you have any concerns regarding your mortgage offer then we highly advise using the agents mortgage broker who is selling the property. Doing so qualifies you for our free assurance scheme.

Otherwise, failing to obtain a mortgage offer in time will likely cause you to lose your transaction fee.

Q4. Why do I only get the assurance scheme if I use the agents recommended broker/solicitor?

This is for several reasons:

1) Transparency: The agent needs to liaise with the seller and share important information about the sale's progress. We cannot monitor information from outside parties.

2) Process Understanding: Our recommended brokers and solicitors are familiar with our processes and expectations, ensuring transaction milestones are met.

3) Evidence for Assurance: Scheme: If you need to use the assurance scheme, we require evidence as to why the sale broke down. This is difficult to obtain from outside parties who are not contractually obliged to liaise with us.

Q5. What if the property gets down-valued by the mortgage lender?

If a surveyor down-values the property, we will ask the agent to negotiate a new price with the seller. If an agreement cannot be reached and you've met transaction milestones up to the mortgage valuation, you will receive a full refund of the transaction fee (subject to providing the valuation report). For additional protection, consider using our assurance scheme.

Q6. What if I change my mind about buying the property?

If you change your mind before exchanging contracts, you will only lose your transaction fee.

Q7. If I miss transaction milestones can I still purchase the property?

Missing milestones does not forfeit your right to purchase the property but it does reduce the protection that you receive from YouSold. It will fall down to the sellers discretion to decide if you can continue with the purchase

Q8. What if I change my mind about selling a property?

We recommend using YouSold only if you can offer your property chain-free. If you accept an offer through YouSold and then change your mind, you will be liable for the buyer's transaction fee and any costs incurred by them.